البحث وجد تطابقان

بواسطة Al Masihi
منذ 4 سنوات
منتدى: حكاية مضطهدة
موضوع: My Story
ردود: 4
مشاهدات: 8961

Re: My Story

Sorry if my writing is a bit confusing since it’s my writing comes out weird when I write in English here because the forum is programmed for the writing to be in Arabic for some reason I never had a problem with the abrahamic faiths I just had a problem with Islam I studied Christianity extensivel...
بواسطة Al Masihi
منذ 4 سنوات
منتدى: حكاية مضطهدة
موضوع: My Story
ردود: 4
مشاهدات: 8961

My Story

Hello everyone, since I’m weak in Arabic im going to be writing in English I’m from Riyadh I’m of Levantine origins and I’m a Christian I decided to leave Islam a religion that I inherited out of no choice of my own it was only for the fact of my parents being Muslims themselves I was apalled with ...