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بواسطة Al Masihi
منذ 4 سنوات
منتدى: حكاية مضطهدة
موضوع: My Story
ردود: 4
مشاهدات: 8922

Re: My Story

Sorry if my writing is a bit confusing since it’s my writing comes out weird when I write in English here because the forum is programmed for the writing to be in Arabic for some reason I never had a problem with the abrahamic faiths I just had a problem with Islam I studied Christianity extensively I’m online on Christian forums.com on which I have many debates with Muslims to me it is the only religion that satisfies me spiritually and calls me to forgive anyone who wishes my destruction I feel wisdom in reading the Bible something that the Quran never gives me, but thats just my opinion since your irreligious I take it so I don’t expect you to understand faith in a particular belief I personally wouldn’t mind leaving Saudi fro good and never coming back it’s mever been my country I don’t talk like a saudi me and my mother have always been seen as foreigners here so I would never miss it but I can’t leave my family behind but thanks for your message
بواسطة Al Masihi
منذ 4 سنوات
منتدى: حكاية مضطهدة
موضوع: My Story
ردود: 4
مشاهدات: 8922

My Story

Hello everyone, since I’m weak in Arabic im going to be writing in English I’m from Riyadh I’m of Levantine origins and I’m a Christian I decided to leave Islam a religion that I inherited out of no choice of my own it was only for the fact of my parents being Muslims themselves I was apalled with the violence in Islamic text and the disturbing life of Mohammed you see I came from a family that has lived its life in hell because of the Sharia my parents are divorced my father is non practicing and is an alcoholic and he’s rich and he uses his money to buy his way in the Sharia courts here and oppress our family with lawsuits every other month he’s abusvie mean and psychopathic and has never been a father to any of and the judges here who are men of God would shout at my mother in court fornot wearing a veil thick enough to cover her face and sometimes called her women even though she’s a practicing Muslim unlike my father yet the judges would always side with him because in Islam a women’s testimony is worth half that of a man’s and because he simply is rich and the system of the Islamic Sharia itself is corrupt to the core eventually I started to question why we live like this and why do we suffer form these problems and why is our country so backward my mother would always tell me that the people in court and the religious people in Saudi just misinterpret the religion but I wasn’t convince after months of reading through the Islamic sources I grew disgusted by the perverted life of Mohammed and the history of Islam I initially grew up as a non practicing Muslim although my mother was practicing and always read Quran she never forced Islam on us so me and my brothers grew up non practicing however I was the only one to openly reject Islam in the family after a lot of reading on a religion I was never taught about I told my mother one day that I no longer believed in it and that it is the cause for all the misery that we live in saudi I looked for a new religion to follow I went from paganism to Zoroastrianism to finally Christianity and I’ve been a practicing Christian for the past two years of which I’m a firm believer my family accept my beliefs since they’re not extreme or forceful when it comes to religion so they we’re understanding and they brought sheikhs to try to talk me out of my ideas and beliefs since they think I’m brainwashed or confused but I know a lot about Christianity so I usually win most arguments but there’s that constant fear you have to live in in Saudi my mother and my family always tell me don’t tell anyone your Christian keep it to yourself if they know your Christian or that you criticize Islam we will be trouble and you’ll be in jail and so forth I love my family a lot and they’ve been very understanding and they let me pray and get a Bible and crosses and so forth they’re not the problem but I’m always afraid of what the country might do to me what if they arrest me put me in jail or kill me as an apostate I’m happy living with my family and I don’t want to leave them and they would be heartbroken if I left but I can’t bear to stay one more day in a country where I always have to worry about what I say or write online or what I think I can’t take the fear and pressure from this country anymore