البحث وجد تطابق وحيد

بواسطة 420weblazeit
منذ 6 سنوات
منتدى: أسئلة و مواضيع عامة
موضوع: الرجاء من الجميع التواجد
ردود: 12
مشاهدات: 8891

Re: الرجاء من الجميع التواجد

What must one do to make sure they can get asylum at the airport? Can one attempt to enter Australia, claim asylum inside the country, and if denied entry, then ask for asylum at the border post?

Assuming asylum is granted at the border, will the refugee be sent to Manus Island, or is this done only to those intercepted in Australian waters? Where can someone go once in Australia to ask for asylum, and what help are they entitled to?
