البحث وجد 5 تطابقات

بواسطة 420weblazeit
منذ 6 سنوات
منتدى: كندا
موضوع: بخصوص كندا / أتمنى التجاوب ضروري
ردود: 27
مشاهدات: 14229

Re: بخصوص كندا / أتمنى التجاوب ضروري

Aroo كتب: شكرا على ردّك ..
حاولت كثيرا الحصول على المساعدة من المكاتب التي تقدم مساعدة بإصدار الفيزا .. ولكن كلهم قالوا مستحيل ان تحصل على فيزا بسبب جنسيتك ..
بإمكاني الاستئناف صحيح ولكن في كل مرة سوف ادفع مرة اخرى وهذا يعتبر خسارة لي ..
اما بخصوص كيف سوف أعيش هناك .. سوف اقدم لجوء ولكن يبدو انني لن أغادر مكاني بسبب جنسيتي
How are you in Saudi Arabia without a job? Do you have a husband that works? If so, he can be your financial guarantor. If you have a father that permits you to travel abroad, he can act as a financial guarantor so that you get a visa. Are you a Palestinian with a Jordanian, Lebanese, Iraqi or Egyptian travel document? Do you have a "Palestinian Authority" (State of Palestine) passport?

There is nothing that these "advice offices" can give you other than advice, which I am giving you for free. You can be of any citizenship, Somali or British, and if you need a visa and do not have money for your trip, you will not get one. Being a non-resident of your country of citizenship would not stop you from being able to get a visa - as most Pakistanis living in Pakistan cannot afford to travel abroad, but those working in Dubai can and do.

I believe that in order to claim asylum, you must be outside of the country of your citizenship - you meet this requirement so you should be able to ask for asylum at the Canadian embassy. Before you go and do this, can I ask why you are in danger in Saudi Arabia? If you can tell me this, I would be able to help you. But be aware, that what you are running from has to persecute you both in Palestine (or the country that issues your passport) and in Saudi Arabia. E.g if you are an atheist, you are not unsafe in Jordan or Lebanon, but if you have your travel document issued by Egypt or Palestine, then you can say that you would be killed by both the Palestinians and Saudis if you told them you were atheist.

Contact me on BBM: 559D7728
بواسطة 420weblazeit
منذ 6 سنوات
منتدى: كندا
موضوع: بخصوص كندا / أتمنى التجاوب ضروري
ردود: 27
مشاهدات: 14229

Re: بخصوص كندا / أتمنى التجاوب ضروري

Canada is not Arab, they do not discriminate based on nationality. Yes, being Palestinian makes you look poorer in their eyes, but you can apply and appeal their decision if they deny you. Have you presented a letter of acceptance from the university to the embassy? You need money for the entirety of the time that you are studying in Canada. If you can only life for 6 months with your savings, and if you have no permission to work, how will you survive?
بواسطة 420weblazeit
منذ 6 سنوات
منتدى: كندا
موضوع: بخصوص كندا / أتمنى التجاوب ضروري
ردود: 27
مشاهدات: 14229

Re: بخصوص كندا / أتمنى التجاوب ضروري

Aroo كتب:
منذ 6 سنوات 
يعني اللي يعرف حل او طريقة أوصل فيها لكندا بشكل رسمي يعلمني
لانو وضعي جدا صعب واحتاج اروح ضروري
If you have money to pay for living costs, or a scholarship to cover your living costs, a plane ticket and proof that you will return to your country after studies (e.g you have a house, a wife or husband, children, elderly parents, any combination of these) then it is rather easy to get a visa to study in Canada. Have you tried getting scholarships from the Saudi gov? Usually they provide you with an acceptance letter and organise the visa for you
بواسطة 420weblazeit
منذ 6 سنوات
منتدى: كندا
موضوع: بخصوص كندا / أتمنى التجاوب ضروري
ردود: 27
مشاهدات: 14229

Re: بخصوص كندا / أتمنى التجاوب ضروري

omarzox كتب:
منذ 6 سنوات 
سؤال سريع بالنسبة للجوء الى كندا، اذا كنت بتركيا هل احتاج فيزا لكندا؟
If you are a citizen of a country that normally requires a visa to Canada, then yes, you will need a visa for Canada, even if you live in the US.